Attorney Rashba was not only involved in his profession, he actively worked for the betterment of the community. Participating in a wide range of areas, Attorney Rashba had been involved with Boy Scouts acting as a past Boy Scout Committeeman of Orange, a member of the Board of Finance, and the Ad Hoc Committee on Elderly Housing. He had also been a leader in many organizations and was formerly the director of Ezra Academy, the Milford/Orange YMCA, the Hamden Chamber of Commerce, the South Central Connecticut Chapter of the Alzheimer's Association, Vice-Chairman of Shubert Center for the Performing Arts- Opera Board and Community Arts Broadcast Productions, INC and of the Jewish National Fund Council of Greater New Haven. Attorney Rashba earned First "Man of the Year" award from CONGREGATION B'NAI JACOB (1994) and was a recipient of its "Shem Tov" award (1975).
He is survived by his wife Barbara and hisĀ four sons.